Everything You Need to Know About Gum Grafts

15 January 2024
 Categories: Dentist, Blog


Have you ever experienced tooth sensitivity or pain while consuming cold or hot food and drinks? It might be the result of receding gums, which exposes the roots of the teeth. Gum recession can be caused by multiple factors, such as brushing too hard, genetics, aging, or gum disease. But do not worry; there is a solution available, and that is gum grafts. In this blog, we will discuss everything you need to know about gum grafts.

What is a Gum Graft?

Gum grafting is a procedure that involves taking healthy gum tissue from the roof of the mouth or nearby areas and transplanting it to the affected area of the gums. The primary goal of gum grafting is to cover the exposed tooth roots and improve the appearance of the gums.

Types of Gum Grafts

Types of gum grafts that exist are connective tissue grafts, free gingival grafts, and pedicle grafts. These techniques play a crucial role in gum restoration and oral health. A periodontist or dentist determines which type of gum graft a patient needs, depending on the severity of the gum recession and the patient's dental health.

Connective Tissue Grafts

Connective tissue grafts are the most common gum grafting procedure. It involves removing a small amount of tissue from the roof of the mouth and stitching it to the affected gum tissue. This type of gum grafting is suitable for people who have a severe gum recession and want to cover the root of the tooth.

Free Gingival Grafts

Free gingival grafts are similar to connective tissue grafts, but the difference is that it involves removing a thick layer of tissue from the roof of the mouth and directly attaching it to the affected gum tissue. This type of gum graft is suitable for people who have thin gums and want to thicken them.

Pedicle Grafts

Pedicle grafts involve the use of gum tissue available in the mouth area adjacent to the affected tooth. In this procedure, a flap of gum tissue is cut from the nearby area and rotated or moved over the exposed root. This type of gum grafting is suitable for people who have abundant gum tissue and want to address the receding gum tissue.

Recovery Time

After a gum graft procedure, swelling and tenderness are common, and it might take several weeks to heal entirely. A person should follow proper post-surgery instructions to ensure a speedy and safe recovery. Avoiding hot and cold foods or drinks, consuming soft foods, brushing gently, using a medicated rinse, and avoiding tobacco products are a few of the necessary steps for the recovery period.

For more information about gum grafts, reach out to a local dental clinic.