How To Avoid Damaged Veneers

30 September 2019
 Categories: Dentist, Blog


Dental veneers can really transform your smile. Not only can veneers change the shape of your teeth, but they can also change the color, fix chips, and just make your smile look more mature overall. Although dental veneers can do wonders for your smile, they can be a little bit expensive. To avoid having to have your dental veneer repaired because of a chip or anything else, this article will go over a few of the basic things that you can do. Are you ready to learn some more? If so, then read on. 

Don't Use Them As Tools

A lot of people get into the habit of using their teeth to bite things like their nails or to pull off clothing tags. Although you may be tempted to use your brand-new veneers to help get you out of a bind, that is one of the fastest ways that you can chip them. Although veneers are strong, they aren't chip-resistant, so when you use them to bite things, they may chip and fall apart. Every time you go to use your teeth as tools, make a conscious effort to stop; this will save you a lot of money in the long run. 

Get Regular Cleanings

You can get cavities along your gum line and you can even contract gum disease even if you have dental veneers. Make sure that you get regular dental cleanings from your dentists (about once every six months on average) to keep your veneers and your natural teeth looking as good as possible. During your dental cleaning, your dentist will clean your veneers just like they will your natural teeth to get off any germs or buildup that's on them. Also, during your dental cleaning, they will examine your veneers to make sure they are in good shape. 

Brush Them

Even though veneers are artificial teeth, you still need to brush them with a toothbrush and toothpaste twice a day. Brushing is one of the best ways that you can take good care of your veneers and keep them lasting for as long as possible. When brushing your veneers, just make sure that you use a soft-bristled toothbrush so that they don't get too scratched or damaged. 

Keep all of these things in mind to help keep your dental veneers in the best shape that is possible. To learn more, reach out to your dental professional.