Children And Dental Abscesses

4 August 2018
 Categories: Dentist, Blog


Your child can suffer from all of the dental problems that adults can get, including tooth abscesses. Also, like adults, these abscesses are extremely painful, but completely preventable and treatable. Since having a tooth abscess can be miserable, especially to a young child, you'll want to make sure one never forms. Here is more information about what abscess are, how children get them, and their treatment.

What are Dental Abscesses?

Dental abscesses are infections in the tooth caused by a buildup of bacteria from the mouth entering a tooth, bone, or soft tissue. In children, the most common type is an infection in the pulp of the tooth, but they can also get an infection in other areas.

How do Children Get a Dental Abscess?

The most common ways children get abscesses are through a cavity caused by poor hygiene or diet, or through a crack in the tooth from an accident. They often show up as a red spot or pimple-like structure below the gum line. Sometimes, there are no visual symptoms, but if your child has an abscess, he or she will likely have severe pain and possibly a fever. Your dentist can confirm if there's an abscess.

How are Dental Abscesses Treated?

After your dentist confirms that your child is suffering from an abscess, he or she will drain the infection and provide antibiotics and painkillers. If your child is very young and still has his or her baby teeth, then the dentist may opt for an extraction if the infection is extremely bad. Dental abscesses are extremely serious and if you wait too long, the infection can spread and become dangerous.

What Can Be Done to Prevent Dental Abscesses in Children?

The best way to prevent dental abscesses, and many other dental problems, is to help your child practice good oral hygiene from the beginning. A good diet with a variety of healthy foods and low on processed sugars will also reduce the risk of cavities and other infections. Make sure you take your child to the dentist on a regular basis so that these issues are caught early.

After your child is treated by your dentist, you can use an ice pack to help ease the pain. Make sure you give the medicine and antibiotics your dentist prescribed per his or her instructions. Follow up with your dentist as instructed to make sure all of the infection is gone. If you or your child are having tooth problems, contact a qualified dental services provider in your area.