4 FAQs About Adult Braces

31 March 2017
 Categories: Dentist, Blog


Braces are a treatment typically for kids in their teens. However, if you didn't have braces as a teen, chances are you may need them as an adult, especially if you want to have a straighter smile. However, many adults aren't sure that braces are even an option for them. Here are four FAQs about adult braces that can help you better understand why they may be the right treatment for you:

  1. Is There an Age Limit: There is absolutely no age limit on when you can have braces. The only factor is going to be the health of your teeth. Many elderly people can have braces, but the gums should be healthy and they should have a majority of their natural teeth in place still in order for the braces to actually be effective. Otherwise, other dental treatments may be necessary to achieve a better looking smile, such as dentures or dental implants. 
  2. Are "Invisible" Braces Really Invisible: Invisible braces were created specifically for adults in mind. This way, the braces will not distract from their day-to-day lives at work, especially for those who work in customer service or often give presentations or hold meetings. However, invisible braces aren't actually invisible, especially if they are in the front of the mouth. You can usually tell that the braces are there, but you would definitely have to look closely. The best option to be a discreet as possible is to have the braces attached to the back of the teeth, but this is only if you are a viable candidate for that. There should be enough space in the back for this to be a good option. 
  3. Are Adult Braces Really Worth It: Since you are older, you are probably thinking that it's not worth having braces at this point. You've already gone this far in your life without the perfect smile, after all. However, having a straight smile has more benefits than just looking good. In fact, a straight smile often means a healthy smile because straight teeth are much easier to clean. This is because there are far less nooks and crannies for bacteria to hide that is difficult to brush away. 
  4. Will Speech be Affected: Another concern is that the way you talk will be affected. However, this isn't usually the case if you have braces that are fixed on the front of the mouth. Other options for braces, however, will sometimes cause a lisp. If you choose one of these options, it's usually suggested that you take a day or two to practice talking with the braces before returning to work or giving any kind of presentation. 

When you know the answers to some of the most common questions about adult braces, you can begin to see that adult braces are definitely not a bad option for you no matter what your age or the specific circumstances.